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北海学園大学 >
人文学部・文学研究科 >
研究紀要 >
北海学園大学人文論集 >
第09号 >

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Title: <史料所見>中世後期イギリスにおけるクレーリクス=レーギスの給養
Other Titles: King's Clerks of England and Their Benefices in the Later Middle Ages
Authors: 東出, 功
Issue Date: 31-Oct-1997
Publisher: 北海学園大学人文学会
Abstract: The present paper consists of the following sections, together with the Preface and Postscript. §1 Grant, Presentation and Nomination by the King in Latin texts §2 Richard IPs Letters Patent as compared with Latin texts §3 Benefices in Cathedral Churches: dignities and canonries §4 Benefices in Collegiate Churches: dignities and canonries §5 Benefices in Free Chapels and Hospitals: wardenships §6 Benefices in Parish Churches: parsonages, vicarages and portions §7 Benefices in Royal Free Chapels: wardenships and canonries §8 Annual Grants of Money until Promoted to a Benefice "The king's clerk is one," says G.P. Cuttino, "who receives regularly from the king some grants to ensure his livelihood." This is what sets "the king's clerk off from any other clerks." It is true that, in his Administrative History, T. F. Tout gives us a great deal of informations on the king's grants to his clerks. But these informations are widely scattered from volume to volume, and not necessarily kept or summarized in proper order. In the present paper, the writer derives informations from the last two volumes of King Richard's Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1391-99, and classifies them under the six headings from §3 to §8. The king's grants to his clerks are compared with those to other clerks in every section.
URI: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/1269
Appears in Collections:第09号

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