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人文学部・文学研究科 >
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北海学園大学人文論集 >
第15号 >

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Title: ことば・言語のあり方 : 「言語と文化」考(3)
Other Titles: Language and Culture (3) : On Being Homo Loquens
Authors: 岡野, 哲
Keywords: language
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2000
Publisher: 北海学園大学人文学会
Abstract: In looking at language in general, against a larger background of culture, civilization and technology, we have come to perceive as its vital elements not only mental and social aspects, but biological and temporal. Now we believe that it is necessary to beware of Bally and Sechehaye's version of Saussurean fallacy by which they distinguish la langue, la parole and le langage while regarding la langue as central. At the same time, we have come to notice the deficiency in Chomskyan Universal Grammar, as basically disconnecting mind from body and locating language simply in mind. This theory is incapable of explaining how we have come to be what we are. Language as a whole is a very complex entity, evolved and evolving as interlocking biological as well as social systems, elastic and learnable, adapted to any condition of existence for human beings, because of its peculiarly versatile fuzziness. We, human beings, have been able to live and continue to live in our own culture and in the ever developing civilized society, because of being homo loquens. This means that we should look at language itself from an evolutionist viewpoint.
URI: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/1309
Appears in Collections:第15号

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