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北海学園大学人文論集 >
第15号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/1313

タイトル: 明治期における日本語教本の研究(1) : S.R.ブラウン著"Colloquial Japanese"と日本語教育における意義
その他のタイトル: Studies on Japanese language textbooks written by Westerners in Meiji Period (1) : S. R. Brown's "Colloquial Japanese" and its significance on Japanese language education today.
著者: 中川, かず子
Nakagawa, Kazuko
発行日: 31-Mar-2000
出版者: 北海学園大学人文学会
抄録: An increasing number of Japanese language textbooks have been published over the last ten years. Learners are able to choose texts suitable for their needs: some are for university students, some for people specializing in business, engineering, or other sorts of acting. Many teachers and learners accept the idea that in acquiring a foreign language communication practice in these languages is essential. At the same time, many learners may insist on acquiring precise information about the language, especially with regard to the grammatical structures or the meaning of words. This tendency can be seen more clearly when the learners are adults who are well-versed in their first languages or have previous experience of learning foreign languages. Interestingly, the textbooks written by foreign educationists or researchers tend to focus on the grammatical aspects of the target language by means of comparison with their own languages. Textbooks such as "Japanese Language Patterns" (Sophia University, 1966) or "Beginning Japanese" (Yale University, 1963) were written in English and in romanized Japanese by foreign language specialists. These textbooks have been widely used around the world and have acquired a good reputation amongst both teachers and learners. We need to be aware of foreign scholars' great work, before and after the Meiji Period, on the writing of Japanese textbooks and dictionaries, when very few references could be acquired. In this paper the author is focusing on S. R. Brown's "Colloquial Japanese" which was published in 1863. This American scholar and missionary successfully completed his textbook for learners of Japanese, with detailed grammatical notes on the spoken aspects of the language and a good collection of different speech levels. His work contributed to other British Japanologists, such as E. Satow, G. Aston, and B. H. Chamberlain who were widely regarded as being the most excellent scholars on Japanese studies during the Meiji Era. The paper also offers an opportunity to consider the significance of Brown's work in terms of Japanese education today.
URI: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/1313


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