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Items for Author "OHNISHI, Shin-ich"

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Jan-2016 Discrimination of Electroencephalograms when Recognizing and Recalling Playing-Cards and its Application to Brain-Computer Interface YAMANOI, Takahiro; OHNISHI, Shin-ich; TOYOSHIMA, Hisashi; YAMAZAKI, Toshimasa; OTSUKI, Mika; SUGENO, Michio
30-Oct-2015 Preprocessing of Electroencephalograms by Independent Component Analysis for Spatiotemporal Localization of Brain Activity YAMANOI, Takahiro; OHNISHI, Shin-ich; TANAKA, Yoshinori; TOYOSHIMA, Hisashi; YAMAZAKI, Toshimasa