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北海学園大学工学部研究報告 >
第34号 >

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Title: 非整数次微分演算によるフーリェ画像処理
Other Titles: Fourier-image Processing by Non-integer Differentiation
Authors: 高井, 信勝
TAKAI, Nobukatsu
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2007
Publisher: 北海学園大学工学部
Abstract: In image processing, integer-order differentiation is often used to detect edges, maxima, minima, and points of inflection, especially order 1 used by the gradient and order 2 by the Laplacian. In the present study, non-integer (fractional) differentiatio
URI: http://hokuga.hgu.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/824
Appears in Collections:第34号

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