DSpace 北海学園学術情報リポジトリ
Hokkai-Gakuen Organization of Knowledge Ubiquitous through Gaining Archives


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アイテム表示: 3994-4014 / 4100.

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31-Mar-2000 The Uses American Jews Make of Three "Myths" O'Brien, Patrick
31-Mar-2000 On Horses and Carts : Further Thoughts on Translation Jones, Willie
31-Mar-2000 ことば・言語のあり方 : 「言語と文化」考(3) 岡野, 哲; OKANO, SATOSHI
30-Nov-1999 『新風十人』の美と思想 : 屈折表現の基盤と背景 菱川, 善夫; HISHIKAWA, YOSHIO
30-Nov-1999 Contrapuntal Discourses in Jane Urquhart's Irish-Canadian Novel Away (1993) Sellwood, Jane Leslie
30-Nov-1999 Who Am I? Jacob's (Post) Modern Identity Crisis O'Brien, Patrick
30-Nov-1999 Shakespeare and the Embodied Voice (in memory of George Rylands : 1902-1999) Jones, Willie
31-Jul-1999 車持千年の吉野讃歌 村山, 出; MURAYAMA, IZURU
31-Jul-1999 映像ライブラリー : 日本における現状と課題 竹岡, 和田男; TAKEOKA, WADAO
31-Jul-1999 The Study of Terminology of the Netherworld in Sumero-Akkadian Literature (4) Kuwabara, Toshikazu; 桑原, 俊一
31-Jul-1999 Jacob at the Country Club : Hollywood Images of the WASP O'Brien, Patrick
31-Jul-1999 A prolegomenon to a study of editorial practice : translating nihongo into English Jones, Willie
31-Jul-1999 文化・文明と技術 : 「言語と文化」考(2) 岡野, 哲; OKANO, SATOSHI
31-Mar-1999 塚本邦雄『水葬物語』全講義(9) 菱川, 善夫; HISHIKAWA, YOSHIO
31-Mar-1999 山部赤人の吉野讃歌 : 「青垣隠り」をめぐって 村山, 出; MURAYAMA, Izuru
31-Mar-1999 A Study of Terminology of the Netherworld in Sumero-Akkadian Literature (3) Kuwabara, Toshikazu; 桑原, 俊一
31-Mar-1999 Jewish American Confrontations with Anti-Semitism : Identity and Worldview O'Brien, Patrick; オブライエン, P.
31-Mar-1999 On the Rank of Group : with Regard to NP Structure in Japanese OKANO, Satoshi; 岡野, 哲
31-Mar-1999 20世紀英詩の主流 橋本, 雄一; HASHIMOTO, YUICHI
31-Oct-1998 A Study of Terminology of the Netherworld in Sumero-Akkadian Literature (2) Kuwabara, Toshikazu; 桑原, 俊一
31-Oct-1998 Imagining Grace Marks : Susanna Moodie's "Grace Marks" and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace Sellwood, Jane; セルウッド, J.
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