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31-Oct-1994 Learner Variations in Communication Strategies : A Study of Japanese, Chinese and American Paraphrasing Techniques in English and Their Application to Task-Based Grammar Instruction KOBAYASHI, Toshihiko; 小林, 敏彦
31-Oct-1994 Notes on Vocabulary and EFL OKANO, Satoshi; 岡野, 哲
31-Oct-1994 Soccer and Identity : A Case Study. (The Role Played by Soccer in Expressing and Reinforcing National, Religious and Regional Identities and their Myths in Scotland.) (Part I) SMITH, Ian
31-Oct-1994 『ジュリアス・シーザー』論 : 構成上の問題点について 高久, 眞一; TAKAKU, Shinichi
31-Oct-1994 塚本邦雄『水葬物語』全講義(2) 菱川, 善夫; HISHIKAWA, YOSHIO