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31-Oct-1995 A study of Takht-i-Bahi (A Gandharan Buddhist Site in the North West Pakistan) CORNISH, Setsuko
31-Oct-1995 Soccer and Identity : A Case Study. (The Role Played by Soccer in Expressing and Reinforcing National, Religious and Regional Identities and their Myths in Scotland.) (Part II) SMITH, Ian
31-Oct-1995 Sources of Collocational Choice (as mediated by metonymy and metaphor) JONES, Willie
31-Oct-1995 Writing Instruction in Second Language Classrooms CUNLIFFE, Brenda
31-Oct-1995 塚本邦雄『水葬物語』全講義(4) 菱川, 善夫; HISHIKAWA, YOSHIO
31-Oct-1995 大学4年間における日本人英語学習者の口頭による語彙記述技能の習得に関する縦断的実証研究 : 2年目の中間報告 小林, 敏彦; KOBAYASHI, TOSHIHIKO
31-Oct-1995 用字法と書写意識 : 平仮名本と片仮名本の比較を通して 徳永, 良次; TOKUNAGA, Yoshitsugu