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25-Dec-2010 Online EFL Discussion Forums in Communication Strategies and Writing Strategies Course Mark, MATSUNE
30-Sep-2011 Optimum Girder Height and Minimum Sectional Area of Highway Composite Girder Bridge Toma, Shouji; Maeda, Jun-ya
25-Dec-2015 OR/MS 教育の現状に関する一考察 上田, 雅幸; Ueda, Masayuki
25-Dec-2010 Outlining Onboard Training for Cross-Cultural Understanding:Possibility of The Ship for World Youth Program ISHII, Haruko
25-Jun-2016 P-CHECK : Peer Feedback を利用した発音練習プラグインソフトウェア 米坂, スザンヌ; 上野, 之江; 大西, 昭夫; YONESAKA, Suzanne; UENO, Yukie; ONISHI, Akio
29-Jul-2005 Peter Gzowski's Early Career as Journalist and Broadcaster: From the Mid-1950's to the Mid-1970's Kirkwold, Lorne O.; カークワード, ローン
31-Jul-2009 Practical Phonetics for Language Learners : Evaluating a Blended Course Yonesaka, Suzanne M.; 米坂, スザンヌ
30-Jul-2011 Pragmatic Failures and Language Ideologies:Challenges in the Japanese EFL context Jeremie, Bouchard
30-Oct-2015 Preprocessing of Electroencephalograms by Independent Component Analysis for Spatiotemporal Localization of Brain Activity YAMANOI, Takahiro; OHNISHI, Shin-ich; TANAKA, Yoshinori; TOYOSHIMA, Hisashi; YAMAZAKI, Toshimasa
31-Mar-2006 Product Development Emphasized on Design : Case of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd Morinaga, Yasufumi
25-Dec-2018 Pronunciation Teaching and Research: Inclusion and Exclusion Yonesaka, Suzanne M.
24-Dec-2021 Properties of computer-simulated fractal speckles Uozumi, Jun
15-Mar-2015 Protection of a Ship by the Flag State and Diplomatic Protection : Conceptual Relationship and Admissibility of Claims 加藤, 信行
30-Sep-2022 Protection of Crime Victims & Revision of the Juvenile Act (1) TANEDA, Kenichiro
31-Aug-2019 Psychology Games for Language Learning MUNBY, Ian
31-Mar-2003 Purgatoryについて 川上, 武志; KAWAKAMI, TAKESHI
31-Aug-2024 R. J. ツヴィ・ヴェアブロウスキー 〔ユリウス・グットマン『ユダヤ教の哲学⽞』(英語版)への〕序文(訳者解題と翻訳) 佐藤, 貴史; SATO, Takashi
31-Jan-2020 RC造構造物の地震時挙動に及ぼす構造特性の重要度分析およびDeep Learningによる定量的損傷評価 串山, 繁; KUSHIYAMA, Shigeru
31-Aug-2024 Reading Mazes for Amazing Discussions MUNBY, Ian
25-Dec-2004 Reality and Perspective in Economic Cooperation between Japan and China LITIFU, Maimaiti; 買買提, 力提甫
30-Sep-2019 Recent Abuse of Comparative Advantage Cases in Japan: Focusing on cases of Agricultural Cooperatives OKAMOTO, Naoki
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