Hokkai-Gakuen Organization of Knowledge Ubiquitous through Gaining Archives
ブラウズ: タイトル
アイテム表示: 267-287 / 4169.
発行日 | タイトル | 著者 |
31-Oct-1996 |
How to Teach Critical Thinking to Japanese University Students through Literature |
31-Aug-2023 |
How to Write Useful and Effective Reading Comprehension Tests for Intermediate Level Learners |
MUNBY, Ian |
25-Jun-2004 |
How Verbatim is the Recognition Memory for Connected Written Discourse? |
URANO, Ken; 浦野, 研 |
30-Nov-2010 |
I Wouldn’t Trade Places for Anything : Clyde Prestowitz on Globalization |
O’Brien, Patrick |
25-Dec-2009 |
ICTの現状と課題(<特集論文>平成21年度教員免許状更新講習選択領域 : 「インターネットと教育」)(栃内香次教授退職記念号) |
栃内, 香次; Tochinai, Koji |
31-Mar-2002 |
Images of the White American Male in Decline |
O'Brien, Patrick; オブライエン, パトリック |
31-Oct-1998 |
Imagining Grace Marks : Susanna Moodie's "Grace Marks" and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace |
Sellwood, Jane; セルウッド, J. |
20-Feb-2007 |
Improving Writing Skills through Peer-assisted Activities |
HIRATA, Yoko |
31-Jul-2001 |
Interculturalism and multiculturalism in secondary EFL in Japan (JOINT RESEARCHES: Multiculturalism in Western Countries and Japan (part II)) |
Yonesaka, Suzanne; 米坂, スザンヌ |
25-Dec-2006 |
Interference caused by transfer of characteristics of topic-prominent languages |
AOKI, Chikako; 青木, 千加子 |
30-Sep-2006 |
Internationales AusmaB und Bedeutung der Verkehrsdelinquenz (1) |
KURY, Helmut; BRANDENSTEIN, Martin; YOSHIDA, Toshio; クーリー, ヘルムート; ブランデンステン, マーティン; 吉田, 敏雄 |
31-Dec-2006 |
Internationales AusmaB und Bedeutung der Verkehrsdelinquenz (2) |
KURY, Helmut; BRANDENSTEIN, Martin; YOSHIDA, Toshio; クーリー, ヘルムート; ブランデンステン, マーティン; 吉田, 敏雄 |
31-Mar-2007 |
Internationales AusmaB und Bedeutung der Verkehrsdelinquenz (3・Schluss) |
KURY, Helmut; BRANDENSTEIN, Martin; YOSHIDA, Toshio; クーリー, ヘルムート; ブランディンステン, マーティン; 吉田, 敏雄 |
31-Mar-2002 |
Internet : Present and Future Role in Higher Education |
Suenaga, Eiji L.; スエナガ, L. エイジ |
25-Sep-2012 |
Interrogating the relationship between ideological discourse and Japanese EFL practices : A social realist perspective |
Jérémie, BOUCHARD |
31-Mar-1994 |
Introduction to Research-Based Composition : Student Essays on Japanese Culture |
SUENAGA, Eiji Leland |
20-Feb-2009 |
Intuitive Manipulation to Mobile Robot by Hand Gesture |
FUKAYA, Ken-ichi; WATANABE,Atsushi |
25-Dec-2014 |
Investigating Pair/Group Work in Japanese Junior High School EFL Classrooms through Action Research |
Jérémie, BOUCHARD; John, NICOLAI |
14-Mar-2014 |
IR(機関調査)と学修時間 : 社会のグローバル化のなかで |
桑原, 俊一; KUWABARA, Toshikazu |
30-Mar-2013 |
Is Restorative justice compatible with retributive justice? : From the authoritarian retributive-deterrent criminal law Towards the free and social democratic criminal law |
吉田, 敏雄; YOSHIDA, Toshio |
25-Dec-2017 |
J. Bouchard, Ideology, Agency, and Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Stratified Look into EFL Education in Japan, Springer, 2017 |
Yonesaka, Suzanne M. |