Hokkai-Gakuen Organization of Knowledge Ubiquitous through Gaining Archives
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Showing items 350-370 of 4134.
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
31-Oct-1994 |
Notes on Vocabulary and EFL |
OKANO, Satoshi; 岡野, 哲 |
0-Dec-2006 |
NPO法人の今 : 北海道インパクト推進協議会の活動を中心に |
黒田, 重雄; Kuroda, Shigeo |
17-Jan-2014 |
N‐(1‐ピレニルメチル)‐12‐アザクラウン‐4 エーテルの合成との錯体形成挙動 |
久保, 勘二; 小松崎, 華絵; 五十嵐, 徹太郎; 櫻井, 忠光; 松本, 泰昌; KUBO, Kanji; KOMATSUZAKI, Hanae; IGARASHI, Tetsutaro; SAKURAI, Tadamitsu; MATSUMOTO, Taisuke |
31-Oct-1998 |
On Being a Schoolmaster (for Donald Wright, who gave me my chance) |
Jones, Willie; ジョーンズ, W. |
31-Mar-2000 |
On Horses and Carts : Further Thoughts on Translation |
Jones, Willie |
25-Mar-2017 |
On Some Singular Integral Operators Which are One to One Mappings on the Weighted Lebesgue-Hilbert Spaces |
YAMAMOTO, Takanori |
25-Sep-2011 |
On the Essential 企業予算の本質的役割とその管理機能の発現 |
内田, 昌利; Uchida, Masatoshi |
31-Mar-1999 |
On the Rank of Group : with Regard to NP Structure in Japanese |
OKANO, Satoshi; 岡野, 哲 |
25-Sep-2004 |
On Weight Functions and Norms of Some Singular Integral Operators |
YAMAMOTO, Takanori; 山本, 隆範 |
25-Dec-2010 |
Online EFL Discussion Forums in Communication Strategies and Writing Strategies Course |
30-Sep-2011 |
Optimum Girder Height and Minimum Sectional Area of Highway Composite Girder Bridge |
Toma, Shouji; Maeda, Jun-ya |
25-Dec-2015 |
OR/MS 教育の現状に関する一考察 |
上田, 雅幸; Ueda, Masayuki |
25-Dec-2010 |
Outlining Onboard Training for Cross-Cultural Understanding:Possibility of The Ship for World Youth Program |
ISHII, Haruko |
25-Jun-2016 |
P-CHECK : Peer Feedback を利用した発音練習プラグインソフトウェア |
米坂, スザンヌ; 上野, 之江; 大西, 昭夫; YONESAKA, Suzanne; UENO, Yukie; ONISHI, Akio |
29-Jul-2005 |
Peter Gzowski's Early Career as Journalist and Broadcaster: From the Mid-1950's to the Mid-1970's |
Kirkwold, Lorne O.; カークワード, ローン |
31-Jul-2009 |
Practical Phonetics for Language Learners : Evaluating a Blended Course |
Yonesaka, Suzanne M.; 米坂, スザンヌ |
30-Jul-2011 |
Pragmatic Failures and Language Ideologies:Challenges in the Japanese EFL context |
Jeremie, Bouchard |
30-Oct-2015 |
Preprocessing of Electroencephalograms by Independent Component Analysis for Spatiotemporal Localization of Brain Activity |
YAMANOI, Takahiro; OHNISHI, Shin-ich; TANAKA, Yoshinori; TOYOSHIMA, Hisashi; YAMAZAKI, Toshimasa |
31-Mar-2006 |
Product Development Emphasized on Design : Case of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd |
Morinaga, Yasufumi |
25-Dec-2018 |
Pronunciation Teaching and Research: Inclusion and Exclusion |
Yonesaka, Suzanne M. |
24-Dec-2021 |
Properties of computer-simulated fractal speckles |
Uozumi, Jun |