DSpace 北海学園学術情報リポジトリ
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25-Mar-2012 Researching the Japanese EFL context through social realist CDA methodology Jérémie, BOUCHARD
31-Oct-1996 Response to Japanese College EFL Learners' Difficulties in SLA KOBAYASHI, Toshihiko; 小林, 敏彦
31-Jul-2000 Role of the Media in the Quebec Language Portfolio Kirkwold, Lome 0.
25-Sep-2012 Romazi Nihongo-bun no ci to cu no cuzuri-kata 切替, 英雄; KIRIKAE, Hideo
25-Mar-2004 S. T.コールリッジの『政治家必携の書』における理性と宗教 : カント受容の問題との関連において 上村, 仁司; UEMURA, Hitoshi
30-Sep-2023 SDGs 時代に振り返る戦時下政治社会経済論とその後 - 社会主義・民主主義・社会的自由 - 鈴木, 敏正; SUZUKI, Toshimasa
30-Sep-2021 SDGs 時代の「創り手」としての主体的人格 -教育学的振り返りをとおして- 鈴木, 敏正; SUZUKI, Toshimasa
18-Mar-2022 SDGs 時代への「社会システムと人格」- 社会学的振り返りをとおして - 鈴木, 敏正; SUZUKI, Toshimasa
30-Nov-2010 Self-evaluation of phoneme production and rating scale type 米坂, スザンヌ; Suzanne, M.YONESAKA
21-Feb-2005 Sever Side Java TechnologyおよびRDBMSを用いた学習教育支援サイト「学習と教育の広場」の構築と機能詳細 松崎, 博季; MATSUZAKI, Hiroki
25-Dec-2003 Sexuelle Viktimisierungen : Methodische Probleme bei deren Erfassung und internationale Ergebnisse (Teil 1) KURY, Helmut; YOSHIDA, Toshio; クーリー, ヘルムート; 吉田, 敏雄
25-Mar-2004 Sexuelle Viktimisierungen: Methodische Probleme bei deren Erfassung und internationale Ergebnisse (Teil 2・Schluss) クーリー, ヘルムート; 吉田,敏雄; KURY, Helmut; YOSHIDA, Toshio
28-Sep-2012 SHAKEDOWNを考慮した小型FWDによる粒状材の剛性評価に関する研究 上浦, 正樹; Kamiura, Masaki
30-Nov-1999 Shakespeare and the Embodied Voice (in memory of George Rylands : 1902-1999) Jones, Willie
28-Sep-2012 SIFTを用いた特定物体認識の高速化と移動ロボットによる物体ハンドリングへの応用 塩濱, 教幸; 深谷, 健一; Shiohama, Noriyuki; Fukaya, Ken-ichi
31-Oct-1994 Soccer and Identity : A Case Study. (The Role Played by Soccer in Expressing and Reinforcing National, Religious and Regional Identities and their Myths in Scotland.) (Part I) SMITH, Ian
31-Oct-1995 Soccer and Identity : A Case Study. (The Role Played by Soccer in Expressing and Reinforcing National, Religious and Regional Identities and their Myths in Scotland.) (Part II) SMITH, Ian
25-Jul-2018 Socioenvironmental Factors Affecting EFL Reading in Japan: A Consideration of the Ecological Systems Approach MATSUMOTO, Hiroyuki
31-Jul-2004 Some issues, options and recommendations in the testing of spoken interaction for students of oral and general English at universities in Japan Munby, Ian
31-Oct-1995 Sources of Collocational Choice (as mediated by metonymy and metaphor) JONES, Willie
30-Sep-2010 SPATIOTEMPORAL BRAIN ACTIVITIES DURING HIRAGANA RECOGNITION TASK Toyoshima, Hisashi; Yamanoi, Takahiro; Yamazaki, Toshimasa; Ohnishi, Shin-ichi
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