DSpace 北海学園学術情報リポジトリ
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25-Jun-2009 ALA認定校におけるMLIS取得者の雇用と給与問題 福田, 都代; FUKUDA, Ikuyo
25-Dec-2017 Algebraic Properties of Singular Integral Operators on L2 with Cauchy Kernel YAMAMOTO, Takanori
31-Jul-2000 Ambiguous Boundaries : Jews in the Movies O'Brien, Patrick
31-Mar-1995 Ambitionと「大志」(<特集>共同研究報告 : 『国際化=異文化理解に関する方法論的研究 : 文化障壁を緩和するための効果的施策確立に関する考察』) 高久, 眞一; TAKAKU, Shinichi
20-Feb-2021 An analysis of direct tourism contribution to Shandong's economy Based on the Tourism Satellite Account YU, LIQIAN; 于, 丽茜
31-Mar-1994 An Analysis of First-Year Students' Perceptions of Their EFL Needs YONESAKA, Suzanne
31-Mar-1997 An Article on the Article JONES, Willie
24-Dec-2021 An efficient algorithm for mining frequent items from a data stream TORIYABE, Naoya; KIDA, Takuya
30-Sep-2011 An encryption technique by digital holography Takai, Nobukatsu
14-Feb-2011 An Improvement Approach for Portable FWD KAMIURA, Masaki
31-Mar-2004 An Introduction to Vegetation of the Daisetsuzan Mountains Sato, Ken
14-Feb-2012 ANPの感度分析のウェイトのファジィ集合による一表現法 齋藤, 達彦; 大西, 真一; SAITO, Tatsuhiko; OHNISHI, Shin−ichi
0-Feb-2008 Ant Colony Optimizationの構造最適設計への応用について 阿部, 淳一; 杉本, 博之; ABE, Junichi; SUGIMOTO, Hiroyuki
20-Feb-2009 Application of Video Recording in the Llanguage Classroom HIRATA, Yoko
30-Nov-2005 Applications of Universal Grammar (UG) in the EFL/ESL Classroom Kirkwold, Lorne O.
30-Jun-2018 Art-and-Culture-Driven Public Policy in Hokkaido: How To Make the Self-Confidence Window Opened NAKAI, Masao
30-Dec-2018 Art-and-Culture-Driven Public Policy in Hokkaido: How To Make the Self-Confidence Window Opened (2) NAKAI, Masao
30-Sep-2018 ARマーカーに基づくドローンの自律飛行 菊地, 慶仁; Kikuchi, Yoshihito; 加島, 正爽; Kashima, Shozo
30-Sep-2019 ARマーカーに基づくドローンの自律飛行(第二報) 菊地, 慶仁; Kikuchi, Yoshihito; 阿部, 太智; Abe, Taichi
30-Jun-2010 Astrid Stadler,Bundelung von Interessen im Zivilprozess Uberlegungen zur Einfu hrung von Verbands-und Gruppenklagen im deutschen Recht 佐藤, 弘直; SATO, Hironao
24-Dec-2021 Attention を用いたSequence-to-Sequence に基づく文脈ベクトルによる類似度 越前谷, 博; Echizenʼya, Hiroshi
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